Dunedin Dental Laboratory is based in Cumbria, Carlisle, amongst the most beautiful areas of the UK -
the Lake District, Solway Firth and Scotland.
The company was founded in 2007 by two senior dental technicians, Ana Budjelan and Peter Spedding.
With their joint experience in dental technology exceeding 40 years, and Peter's experience of owning and managing a large laboratory for 26 years, the couple decided to specialise in high quality all-ceramic dental restoration and implantology.
Their focus is on building a good communication with dental surgeons and the ultimate goal is patient's satisfaction with aesthetics, function and longevity of each restoration.
Ana is the main senior RDT (148921) with passion for digital dentistry, implantology and applied occlusion.
"I love my job. I found myself in this lovely fusion of art, science and technology.
I am pleased to say that we work with dental surgeons across the UK who provide highest quality service to their patients. This makes our work very enjoyable and we feel inspired to maintain the standard with them".
Ana attended Medical School of Belgrade, Serbia, where she completed 4 years, full-time course in Dental Technology 1988-1992.
After completion of the dental course she further studied art and sculpture.
She enjoys great outdoors with her family and her hobbies are skiing, skydiving and cycling. Ana often takes part in helping local communities and has been volunteering as a Girl Guide for over 15 years.
Dunedin Dental Laboratory sponsored many local school events and both , Peter and Ana, are very supportive of their Houghton village community and wider.
After completion of the dental course she further studied art and sculpture.
She enjoys great outdoors with her family and her hobbies are skiing, skydiving and cycling. Ana often takes part in helping local communities and has been volunteering as a Girl Guide for over 15 years.
Dunedin Dental Laboratory sponsored many local school events and both , Peter and Ana, are very supportive of their Houghton village community and wider.